portfolio > the metastasis of hope

Lois Epperson-Gale, the metastasis of hope I, stained paper, pharmaceutical patient insert, wax, silk thread, poplar wood, 2013
the metastasis of hope I
stained paper, pharmaceutical patient insert, wax, silk thread, poplar wood
5" x 3.75" x 1.25"

a word transformed: metastasis. typically reserved for the description of a disease process—the spreading of some disaster. instead, the metastasis of hope series defines it along with another unseen and antithetical word, somewhat saccharine: hope. that which exists beneath the heaviness of fear.

the informational inserts included with medications are stained, tainted with experience, embodied. the papers torn, reconstructed, reconfigured—created as one would make a quilt, one piece at a time, stitched to remake patterns, telling complex stories visually. the wax sealing in different versions of truth. tactile visions of a new interior landcape.